
Showing posts from October, 2017

Prescott Regency - Will Cryptocurrency soon have a bank of its own?

2017 has seen a booming year for cryptocurrencies. For instance, Bitcoin's price has increased by over 300 percent since the beginning of the year. On the other hand, the price of Ethereum has also increased by over a whopping 300 percent. All the hype surrounding digital currencies has led the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) to explore the feasibility of how a central bank cryptocurrency may appear. There is added value to a central bank that includes a digital currency in their present monetary mix of reserves. However, such a bold move comes with certain risks. It has the possibility to cause disruption to the commercial banks' business model, as well as the market for existing cryptocurrency. Will Central Banks hold cryptocurrency apart from cash and reserve? Presently, central banks issue money in two different forms; cash and reserve. Cash are payments made in physical form, which can be used by anyone and can be directly exchanged between sellers and buyers wi

Prescott Regency - Crypto-Anarchism And How It’s Taking Over The World

What is Crypto-Anarchism? The term anarchism was defined as ‘the philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and therefore wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary’ by Emma Goldman in her book Anarchism and Other Essays. There is a popular misconception that anarchists are violent. That is not true. The goal of anarchists is to create a world without government. Who are Crypto-anarchists? Crypto-anarchists are mostly hackers and anti-state libertarians who have been active amongst the political fringes for years. Their aim is to warn the public of the dangers of a world where everything is online. They believe that strong cryptography can put an end to authoritarian governments by replacing taxes with transactions that are completely anonymous and secure. In today’s world, a nation’s boundaries are irrelevant to global business transactions through telecommunications. Many governments have